
Hi and welcome to my personal bonsai blog. Without knowing exactly where this will go, I suspect it will meander through my ongoing attempts to improve my 'growing' collection of bonsai*/sticks in buckets.* (*delete as appropriate) If anybody actually reads this, bear with me & maybe it will start to make some sense. (But don't bet on it!!)

Monday, 16 April 2007

Table/Shelves Update

This weekend and the fine weather gave me the first opportunity to complete the 'hard landscaping' in the bonsai area of the garden. I built two shelf areas to house my smaller trees and accents plus built a brick planter to take a clematis that hopefully will 'frame' the area.

Below the shelves also gives me more 'trees under development' storage space- which is nice!!!

Below is a picture of the completed 'construction.'

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